Villars, Louis Hector (1653-1734 , duc de) an entity of type: Agent label (rdfs:label) Villars, Louis Hector (1653-1734 , duc de) type (rdf:type) rico:Agent rico:Person is or was described by (rico:isOrWasDescribedBy) <> has or had agent name (rico:hasOrHadAgentName) <> has or had occupation of type (rico:hasOrHadOccupationOfType) <> performs or performed (rico:performsOrPerformed) _:14280444d9ce21f5a0f589038b402085 blank nodes rico:performsOrPerformed _:14280444d9ce21f5a0f589038b402085 type (rdf:type) rico:Activity has activity type (rico:hasActivityType) <> data from the linked data cloud